[Story] Avatar Sirius

Without breaking the silence of the night, a black wolf stood on the rooftop of a skyscraper. Its fur was as dark as the night itself, and its eyes glowed with wisdom and experience. This wolf was one of the city's guardians, known as Sirius.

Sirius's weapon was unlike any other guardian's. Instead of a physical sword, his weapon was composed of electrons and numbers. A device attached to his front paw attracted electrons from the air, instantly forming a blade of digits and electric currents.
As the night wind blew across the rooftop, Sirius carefully observed his surroundings. His keen senses detected an anomaly somewhere in the city. The blade of electrons and numbers glowed a pale blue in his paw, ready for action at a moment's notice.

"If there's someone disturbing the order of this city, I cannot allow it," Sirius growled, reaffirming his mission.

Suddenly, a strange light flickered in the corner of a distant building. Sirius's eyes sharpened, and he dashed towards the source. His movements were swift like the wind, the sound of the electron and number blade slicing through the air around him.

That night, Sirius rose once again to protect the city. Utilizing his blade of electrons and numbers, he was determined to face those who threatened the city's peace.